NBA Players Are Being Served Airline Food Inside the Disney Bubble Hell Hole

Alex Edmonds
2 min readJul 8, 2020


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The Twittersphere had another explosion on Tuesday night when Troy Daniels posted this pic of his first meal in the NBA/Disney Bubble:

Looks like some top notch cuisine. Unfortunately, I don’t think these NBA guys know what they signed up for when they agreed to play in this so called “bubble.” Sadly enough, the NBA playoff is starting to look like the sequel to Fyre Fest.

I can just picture it now, we’ll see the following tweet from Woj: “Breaking: James Harden has been suspended from the playoff for smuggling Papa John’s into the Bubble. Authorities found Garlic Sauce in his hotel room.”

There’s no way any of these super stars will tolerate the food they’re being given. How the hell is Bron going to celebrate Taco Tuesday with these tiny portions? For anyone who criticized Zion for having a weight problem, he’s bound to leave this bubble looking like KD if he sticks to the Disney meal plan.

Adam Silver has done a lot of great things as commissioner. This is not one of them. Let’s hope that he can address the players’ concerns and get these millionaires some sustenance.

